

Onboarding and authenticating applicants quickly and securely while delivering a great customer experience has become a critical requirement in many industries, especially those that have been reshaped by the mobile-first Sharing Economy.



Millennials and Generation Z have embraced smartphones as the go-to platform for managing finances and making payments. By 2020, one in four financial services accounts will be opened on a mobile device. And for nearly 10% of the non-prime households, all Internet access—including online banking and personal financial management—takes place on a mobile device. Whether an organization is a FinTech start-up or a long-established financial institution, fast, frictionless onboarding has become a key requirement for growing profitable accounts and winning customers.



Ecommerce is disrupting the retail market, and a growing share of ecommerce takes place on smartphones and tablets. Across nearly all demographics, smartphones have become indispensable companions for shopping, whether consumers are “showrooming” to compare prices or ordering products at a moment’s notice. In nearly every market, retailers are learning to be mobile-first. Offering fast, frictionless mobile checkout that mitigates the risk of fraud is an important part of strengthening customer relationships and remain relevant—even dominant—in fast-changing markets.



When it comes to insurance–healthcare, life, auto, property and casualty, or specialty–protecting your customers requires knowing your customers.
By streamlining the mobile account opening process and implementing real-time ID authentication and identity verification, insurers can protect their businesses and customers from fraud and provide a frictionless mobile experience.



Whether booking a room in a classic hotel or discovering the perfect, artsy apartment through the sharing economy, consumers are turning to their mobile devices for planning trips and hitting the road. Before turning over the keys, though, hosts need to verify identities and assess risks. Like everything else in an industry that prides itself on grace and simplicity, this verification should be quick and seamless, delivering a great customer experience. Minimizing typing and providing fast, frictionless authentication and onboarding are new requirements hospitality in the 21st century.



Mobile gambling is a worldwide phenomenon: Juniper Research predicts that one in ten adults worldwide will some form of mobile or online gambling by 2019. Revenue from mobile gambling in the will surpass $100 million in 2017. By 2018, 164 million Americans are expected to use their mobile devices to participate in some kind of gaming, whether purchasing a lottery ticket, placing a bet, or joining a game in an online casino. Authenticating these consumers quickly, efficiently, and accurately is critical for gaining their patronage while minimizing risks of fraud and financial loss.


Two questions: Where are you? And where do you want to go? To answer either of these questions, consumers are increasingly turning to their smartphones. Mobile apps have become the new dispatch centers for transportation. Consumers turn to mobile apps for hailing rides, tracking the arrival of trains, buses, and ferries, and ordering tickets for trips across town or across the country. Consumers today expect ride-sharing and other forms of transportation be quick and hassle-free. Mobile onboarding and real-time authentication need to be just as easy.